
General news items sourced outside greenisp community

WWW (World Wide Web) 30 Years Old Today

WWW (World Wide Web) 30 Years old Today Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989, while working at CERN. The web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automated information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world. “Suppose […]

The Kids are on Strike and seem to be getting anxious, they have good reason…

So now the Children have to take charge

So now the Children have to take charge, I say “let them” because they will probably do a far better job than most adults, we have become so addicted to School results, University, Money, wealth, GDP that we are not seeing the “wood for the trees”…

What’s the point in Education if we completely ignore the Educated, the Science, the Evidence?

Climate change is not the only thing… There’s no denying… The state of the oceans, Species collapse, deforestation, pollution, inequality… the list goes on… the system is Broken, we need to fix it, or should i say the kids will have to… They are feeling it and are starting to panic… Good.

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Future in Brazil 1

Hi again. It may not be getting as much press as it should but the Election this week in Brazil and the president-elect Jair Bolsonaro win may have serious consequences for the future of the Amazon and the rest of the world? What’s even more interesting and concerning is that […]

Commons Transition – Introduction

What is the aim of a Commons Transition? — To create a deeply democratic society where everyone matters and has a say; an inclusive representation of class, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, andor immigration status. In fact, the proposals we share go beyond rhetoric. They are inspired by active, successful, […]